Digital Asset Custody:
Asset Managers
Secure, compliant and agile digital asset custody coupled with integrated utility serves as the foundation for maximum participation.
Safeguard assets with qualified crypto custody
Your digital assets are kept safe and insured for with a licensed crypto custodian powered by MPC-CMP technology.
Offload liability to a licensed, insured custodian
Fully segregated private keys
24/7 customer support
Limit risk with institutional-grade governance controls
Highly customisable controls to fit your governance needs such as whitelisting, user roles and our proprietary governance quorum policies.
Govern with quorum policies and user roles
Limit risk with bankruptcy remote protections
Proof of asset and end of day balance reports for transparency and compliance
Access deep liquidity opportunities
Retain broad access to liquidity sources for the best opportunities - even in cold custody.
Access aggregated liquidity, even in cold storage
Broad asset support for 1000+ tokens and 40+ chains
In-custody settlement, staking, DeFi access
Licenses & attestations
Empowering institutions to scale compliantly with trust and confidence
At Rakkar, trust and security are paramount as a licensed and qualified institutional digital asset and crypto custodian. Our adherence to global security standards reinforces our role as a trusted partner in the digital finance landscape, providing our clients with confidence and peace of mind.